Thursday, March 8, 2012

What We Are Willing To Believe Is UnBelievable!

Noticing the comments and pictures of brooms standing upright supposedly due to a special alignment and gravitational pull of the moon or some such nonsense, caused me to ponder how easily people believe things that are very simply refuted and debunked. And yet, historical facts like the Resurrection and Jesus' life and death are  haughtily dismissed by the same people.

I hear many people ask "How can you believe THAT?!?" and claim "THAT requires a lot of faith!? Hah Ha!".  The Truth is I have evidence for Christ and his power. And so can you!

It's real.

It works.

Believing in hoaxes, spams and chain mails does not.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Heal My Heart and Make It Clean

This song is a complete story about complete restoration and praise.  I love the story because it's my story but I believe it's all of our stories!
My story is that even though I was taught better, I treated people badly and myself worse. I had bound my Spirit and was decaying my soul and body. I was dead.  I used alcohol primarily to kill pain and escape but also as a way to get a high.  I was selfish, arrogant and destructive.  And just before death and everything spiraling out to a bitter end... God plucked me out of the fire!  He just stopped me cold and made it clear I had a purpose and it wasn't this. He said he would restore me in every area. Spirit! Soul! Body!  That I would live for him and be an Inspirer.   To give hope to those of us who think we're no good. To fill with an animating, a quickening, exalting influence!  Praise the Father! He came to me! and promised restoration and joy and blessing and hope ( a cheerful, confident expectation of good). And when the storms of life come, an anchor to continue in praise and joy. I love Paul's words to King Aggripa in Acts "I THINK myself Happy!"
The Father changed my attitude, he changed my actions. That was a huge miracle for me.  Over time on three different occasions, God said something directly to me.

1) "You don't have to wait. Do IT Now."
2) "There's ALWAYS a choice."
3) "It's NEVER too late."

I thought I needed someone else to fix me, help me, probably BE me. I thought I needed them to come find me so I could give up and get better.  I thought the best years of my life were over and wasted (double meaning : ) ). I thought I no longer had a choice, I was stuck because of my choices.  Abba shattered all of those lies of the enemy in my life miraculously and instantly! I am healthier physically today than I've been since college, I am constantly in pursuit of His presence so my Spirit get's restored. I am saved and being saved. And being used to save others.  I am a light and an inspirer by the mercy and grace of Abba! And He continues His work in me for the purpose of His kingdom and go GET his children. He did that for me. He will do it for you.

You are God's workmanship, His poem, His love.  And something else my earthly father always said to me and is also true of Abba's love for you... NO MATTER WHAT!

1) "You don't have to wait. Do IT Now."
2) "There's ALWAYS a choice."
3) "It's NEVER too late."