Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hope, the Word, the Christ With Us!

How wonderful! How marvelous! How awesome!  The Word, the Christ, our Hope is WITH us!  When Jesus was born God entered the human side of the covenant.  He said, "I Am going to make a lasting covenant once and for all! I'm going to get into a body and make a contract that cannot be broken!"  The old testament covenant between God and man was broken so many times by man that in order to fix it God actually had to take our place and make a covenant with Himself. The covenant includes us but takes us out of the equation as principles.  It is a covenant for us but between God and God!  We cannot mess it up!  This is the message of the birth of Jesus; in our human and Adam condition we were hope-less, in Christ we have Hope eternal, a cheerful confident expectation of good. We've been saved. We are new. We are WITH Christ!

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